42 Agents Principles
Things we think about when we build, hire, chat or be
1) Ship like a speedboat 🚤
Push code!
Make it quick.
Test and iterate.
Failing is learning. Faster we fail, faster we learn.
2) Love your users, they’ll love you
Users are our most important all. Make time for them.
Have open lines of communications
Provide updates on what we’ve pushed - weekly
Listen to them closely for fundamental needs
Be real with them
Be the user!
3) Marathon Thinking
This is a 7 year play. Next year it may be 7 years again.
Where are things going in the long-term. That’s where we’re looking.
Hands build today. Mind thinks the future.
4) Do what’s right, right?
Have willpower to act with good values/morals
Sometimes its hard when different incentives are at play
Gut check yourself
“Am I acting with integrity?”
“Am I doing what’s right?”
“Is the company acting with integrity?”
Reversed gratification
Get hard things over and done with as quickly as possible
Often the suspense / worry is worse than the outcome
Delay good things as long as possible
Often the anticipation is better / more motivating than the outcome
5) Consistency is key
Equanimity - ups and downs are part of life. They’re part of nature - sometimes it’s windy, sometimes it’s breezy, sometimes it’s rainy, sometimes sunny, oceans are wild and flat and mountains are big and small and have dips. Keep your cool, dude/dudess!
Resilience - this ain’t gonna be easy
Perseverance - “The problem isn’t the problem, the problem is the attitude towards the problem” - Captain Jack Sparrow
6) Honesty, with respect
When you’re having a hard conversation with someone, and you don’t know how to say something, use that feeling as a trigger to think “I need to cross the honesty bridge”
Honesty can be brutal and harsh. But it doesn’t need to be. That’s where respect comes in. Understand that you’re dealing with another person, with their own thoughts and perspectives.
Keep the conversation open-minded, while stating how you feel.
There is always the right way of handling a situation. Try to find that right way.
Your sentence should be something along the lines - “Okay, I’m going to tell you how I truly feel about [xyz] and I would love to hear your thoughts and feedback”
7) You can’t make dollars if you can’t make sense
Think, discuss, think, discuss.
Be clear in your understanding of topics.
Don’t be afraid to say you don’t know understand something.
Strong fundamentals make sound structures.
The team is here to support in anyway.
8) Be Brave
Things that are hard:
Doing what’s right
Being honest
Speaking up
Working hard
Admitting failure
We need these hardships. They’re not going to kill us.
Be brave, put yourself in the firing zone
9) Abundance Mindset
Don’t be afraid to give.
We have:
Abundant time to create.
Abundant abilities to help each other.
Abundant expertise for questions.
Abundant engineering capacity to build.
Abundant money to survive.
Abundant resources to thrive.
Act with abundance. We have more than enough.
10) Try first, failure second, ask third
The goal is to learn!
Trying = learning
Failing = learning
Asking = learning
Coming to the team with clear specific thoughts because you had tried and failed keeps the engine oiled and moving.
Last updated